applied kinesiology

An emotional cause of stress and tension and a solution.

Many people experience stress in the form of muscle tension due to stressful lifestyle and this leads them to go through a variety of compensations, some of which may have positive or negative health impacts. Often, people go for many different solutions such as exercise or therapeutic approaches such as getting massages for neck/shoulder tension; however, the if the root cause of stress it not addressed, the tension can shortly return.

Stress is a general condition associated with a variety of emotions that can present with physical dysfunction.

In Chinese Medicine, according to the 5 element philosophy, emotions dictated by different energy/organ channels influence a variety of symptomology. This can include frustration/anger, sadness, worry, anxiety, or fear which vary depending on a person’s constitution and situation. Now the primitive/reptilian brain itself associates emotion with memories under normal and stressful circumstances. If the memory holds negative emotions, it will inevitably affect behavior due to the way the reptilian part of the brain works. After acting repeatedly on those maladaptive behaviors, the brain signals the body that it’s trying to survive and begins to constantly stay vigilant. That’s when the body’s maladaptive habits start to form for instance, insomnia, overreacting, muscle tension, over-eating etc.

How do we know which memories are still active? Now if you are having a Naturopathic visit, we can check many ways: physical examination, focused questioning, functional neurological testing, Chinese pulse and tongue assessment, or we can also assess intensity by measuring based on your personal emotional/subjective sensations.

From a treatment perspective, a variety of techniques can be used to relieve the unwanted emotions from specific experiences/memories. At the Healing Medicine Clinic, our most advanced technique for resolving this unwanted connection with stressful experiences would be using the Universal Memory Method™ which has accomplished what it set out to do.

After applying this method, your personal emotional intensity for the stressful experience should be significantly less. Because the correction happens at the subconscious level, your decisions will simply be better and you will notice the indications of stress to be reduced: less muscle tension, improved sleep, less emotional outbursts etc.

Experiencing is believing — try an appointment and get relief today.

Remember we do have complimentary 15 minute sessions to answer any of your questions and concerns.