
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that takes into account information received through understanding a patient fully which leads to prescribing a dilute remedy that is suitable to an individual’s complete picture. Along with counseling, this form of therapy has an effect on the mind which ultimately affects the body. Because of its safety record, homeopathy is often used in pregnancy and children as well. Dr. Khan’s knowledge across disciplines helped her in creating a method for healing miasmatic/ancestral trauma and, thus, the root cause of disease at the multi-unit family-level. The unique counseling techniques and tools she has expereinced in her previous holistic practice can provide insights into the mind that can subconsciously dictate our actions forming the basis for our current health state. Homeopathy revitalizes that mind-body connection.

Listening to our patients is vital to healing.
Understanding a person’s story leads to understanding a person’s true suffering. Oftentimes, an individual is conflicted due to inadequate interpretation of his or her own story and how it can have a deep impact on their current health state. With our thorough Homeopathic intake and expertise, we are able to uncover a larger part of the story that may be hidden even from the individual in a safe and comfortable setting. Sometimes, the correct homeopathic medicines leads to a resolution of an ancestral based trauma as well as present conditions, and sometimes other techniques are employed to help resolve the layered issue such as Applied Kinesiology, specific acupuncture protocols etc.