What is Naturopathic Manipulation?
Naturopathic Manipulation involves realignment of the bones in the body, mostly in the spine area. At a given spinal segment, nerves and blood vessels run through it. Improper alignment can cause minor local discomfort to major pain disorders throughout the body. It often provides instantaneous relief of discomfort. We utilize this form of treatment very gently and safely as it is often done in conjunction with other therapies at this clinic.

Does it hurt?
Spinal Manipulation involves high velocity and low amplitude thrusts to realign the bone segment of concern. The maneuver itself is usually done within normal physiological range of motion and therefore has a low risk of harm. The maneuver can cause minor discomfort for a short while and sometimes an audible noise. Contrary to popular belief, the noise is not related to “bones breaking” but to gas being released as pressure is being alleviated from the joint.